Tuesday, February 7, 2023

what I find is that though I can't predict Earthquakes often I know the week or even the day they are coming but might not know where they will hit

 However, usually I don't know where this is going to occur. However, the one exception to this was the Loma Prieta Earthquake. At that time I had a dream of the Grim Reaper who held out two boney fingers to me like two people I knew might die in this earthquake. So, when I woke up then in Fall of 1989 I told my wife about it. She was interesting in dousing then and using a pendulum on a map. So, we were able to predict the week it would occur and the epicenter we predicted was near Santa Cruz or San Francisco. In actuality the epicenter was 6 miles from UCSC in Santa Cruz, California. So, though often I sense earthquakes coming often I don't know where they are going to hit at all. And the other strange thing is that war or battles often feel the same way that earthquakes do. 

The San Fernando Earthquake on February 9th 1971 I believed at the time was a nuclear explosion for a few minutes and not an earthquake because it was the worst thing I had ever experienced in my life it was that big. But, when it stopped and I listened to the radio I finally was convinced it was not a nuclear blast of Los Angeles blowing up but instead a huge earthquake that destroyed freeway over passes and houses and people and roads all over Southern California then. However, that one was scary because it woke most people up because it hit a 6:01 AM when most people including myself were asleep. I woke up to my head banging against a wall in my sleep. That's how I woke up. Then I tried to walk but the quake was too severe for walking at all so I got back on my bed like it was a boat and rode it out sitting on my bed. However, the glass things were breaking all over the house and I was barefoot. So, after it stopped getting to my shoes without cutting my feet on broken glass was difficult. Then we had to get brooms and dustpans and a vacuum cleaner to make the house safe for bare feet once again before anyone could take their shoes off in the house again. Remember this is California where a lot of the time people often are barefoot around the house or wearing sandals of various kinds to stay cool in the warm weather.

So, the biggest problem for humans like myself in predicting earthquakes is that we might know they are coming within a day or two or even a month like the 2004 indonesia quake. But, that one I didn't know where it was going to hit I just knew it was coming that month sometime somewhere on earth.

This Turkey quake I also knew was coming all last weekend before it hit. However, I didn't know for sure what it was I just knew something really bad was going to happen and that a lot of people could die. But, I didn't know for sure where or when this would occur on earth Until I learned what had happened when the 7.8 main quake and 7.5 Aftershocks occurred.

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