Friday, February 17, 2023


Writing can be very therapeutic in nature. First of all, you are under no obligation to publish in any form what you write. So, because it can be your personal therapy session just with yourself this can be very useful.

For example, Medical operations in the family whether they are outpatient (leaving the place of operation the same day it takes place) or whether you are in a hospital for several days to recover from that operation can be very stressful.

First of all, if you are in a hospital they never let you sleep more than an hour or two at a time when you are there. So, All hours of the day and night nurses and doctors are waking you up to draw blood or give you medicines intravenously or to make you take pills orally of one kind or another. But, mostly, they just want to make sure you are still alive and not progressing into an infection or flipping out mentally because you cannot deal properly with what has happened to you. So, when a nurse or doctor comes in they mostly want to see if you are rational and whether you are a danger to yourself or others and next they want to see if you are going to live or have an infection or if your survival needs are being met whatever they are.

So, during your stay in a hospital you can write like on your laptop like I am now if you are allowed to have your laptop in the hospital wherever you are on earth.

Here in California mostly you are allowed things like smartphones, Ipads, and Laptop computers to communicate with others or to entertain yourself or whatever you need them for.

But, if you don't have someone to talk to about what you are going through often writing down what you are experiencing and then reading it later might help you to process what you are going through.

For example, when I went to Japan, India, Nepal, Thailand in 1985 and 1986 I felt like I had gone to a completely different planet, (especially in places like Trekking in the Himalayas or out in the country somewhere in India. So, writing in a journal helped me with extreme Culture Shock which I was experiencing a lot then trying to make sure everyone in my family was well and not sick and that we all stayed together as a family for 4 or  5 months while traveling especially over India and Nepal

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