Sunday, May 28, 2023

It's raining north of San Francisco and it could rain as far south as Big Sur

I was very surprised when I looked at the local Weather radar for California and the U.S. just now to see that it was raining just north of the Golden Gate Bridge near San Francisco and also rain clouds were coming on shore further south too. This is very very unusual weather for California in that we almost never get rain (at least along the coast after April) and now it soon will be June so this is almost unheard of completely. I was also surprised at the big Tornado that hit Wyoming yesterday too which is also very unusual. However, there is very unusual weather all over the planet which likely will get even more unusual over the months and years to come. I'm glad I live on the coast so at least we won't cook in the heat this summer. Instead the temperatures are so cold we need to have the central heating on both day and night to some degree, even though I have it off now and windows open to let in some fresh air even though it's only 55 degrees out right now at 2:30 pm Sunday the day before Memorial Day.

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