Saturday, May 27, 2023

Most read articles as of May 27th 2023

 Note: In 2013 there were around 11,000 visits per month at this site but by 2017 there were 100,000 visits per month at this site. If you look at your statistics page when you are blogging and see what your readers like you can if you wish grow your site if your interests and your reader's interests coincide when you blog.

158,008 visits to intuitivefred888


How He lives without money


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


most read articles from KYIV Post


reprint of: Drones very small to large


A Longer History of the Internet


The Admiral (2014)


Russia taking Crimea is like Saddam Hussein taking Kuwait


California Officials Investigating Loss of 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals


Chuck Lorre Productions #264 and #265


France slams Russian attack on Ukraine hospital as ‘war crimes’


I was trying to go to a religious high school reunion


Poll: Candidate winning in 2024 would be a disaster/Setback:


There are many other Catholic Saints whose bodies never decomposed


US sanctions Wagner in Mali, confirms CNN investigation on support to Sudan paramilitaries


Sometimes people make decisions that temporarily destroy your life and sometimes it's all that they can do



12th graders now are more like 8th graders from previous eras


Hundreds travel to rural Missouri to see nun’s body that appears to show no signs of decay years after her death


WHAT DOES DMs mean? It's a private message sent on Social Media.


I heard Kori Schake speak on Fahreed Zacharia's CNN program on Sunday. I found her to be a useful Republican to the survival of America


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