Saturday, May 27, 2023

Why do I write about Angels?

Because I have known angels my whole life. IN fact, my first memory I can actually relate to around age 2 was of the angels healing me of Whooping cough which I was dying from at the time.

This was an ongoing thing after that of seeing angels and them helping me.

So, mostly I don't write about angels for me but to help others to realize there are angels all around us if we want them to be there. Because sometimes even if we didn't want them to be there, we could not survive without them. This is actually the reality of life on earth.

You don't survive here on earth without angels helping you for very long. This is just the way it has always been here on earth for human beings.

So, cultivating angel friends is necessary for long term survival here on earth. Children are often protected by angels whether they understand this or not. But, sometime around Puberty a choice must be made as to whether one is going to continue to invite angels to be with you ongoing so you have a chance of living to old age (if this is what you wish). 

By God's Grace

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