Wednesday, May 31, 2023

When you are 75 or older you have seen a lot

It might be easy for young people likely born since 1980 or 1990 to see all this differently but from my perspective things are much different than what they might see in life.

In some ways the world is more precarious now than it was then. 

It's true that we had hydrogen bombs to worry about since the late 1940s and early 1950s but people generally were more sensible than today then. There was more respect between people I think mostly because most people had had a religious upbringing of one kind or another. So, there was this feeling that "All Life is Sacred" but today many people believe in nothing at all including themselves. So, killing oneself is no longer a sin for most people. Though I'm not sure killing yourself should be considered a sin as such I think thinking of all life as sacred is a useful thing. Why?

When you watch the Avatar Series for example, the Natives in the movie pray to the spirit of the animals they kill to eat and thank them for their lives to nourish their bodies.

This is where blessing the food came from originally here on earth as people thanked animals for sacrificing their lives in order for them to go on living another day.

So, seeing all life as sacred whether you believe in God or not might be one of the most important things to teach your children that you can teach them.

Otherwise, their lives might be meaningless to them and they would think nothing of killing themselves or others because of a lack of this feeling of sacredness for all life on earth and beyond.

When you think of all life as sacred it is because you see all life as your family that you need to protect and help here on earth.

This is how human beings could survive for millions of years to come here on earth by teaching their children that all life is sacred and shouldn't be needlessly killed.

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