Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 I found this in a book regarding the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu by Douglas Abrams.

It's from pages 33 and 34 in a book called "The Book of Joy".

What is this thing called "Joy?"

begin quote from page 33:

Pleasure (of the 5 senses

Amusement (from a chuckle to a belly laugh)

Contentment (a calmer kind of satisfation)

Excitement (in response to novelty or challenge)

Relief (following upon another emotion, such as fear, anxiety, and even pleasure)

Wonder (Before something astonishing and admirable)

Ecstasy or Bliss (transporting us outside ourselves)

Exultation (at having accomplished a difficult or daring task)

Radiant Pride (when our children earn a special honor)

unhealthy jubilation or Schadenfreude(relishing in someone else's suffering)

elevation (from having witnessed an act of kindness, generosity, or compassion)

Gratitude (The appreciation of a selfless act of which one is the beneficiary).

Rejoicing (in someone else's happiness, what Buddhists call Mudina)

Delight or enchantment ( a shining kind of contentment)

Spiritual radiance (a serene joy born from a deep well-being or benevolence)

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