Friday, January 5, 2024

As mystical Christian in the way I was raised I found peace in the Compassion taught by Buddha also

So, at this point I tend to see myself as a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist.

What does this really mean?

It means that I found peace in prayers like the following:

"May all Beings attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss

May all beings be free from Suffering and the Cause of Suffering

May all beings never be without the Supreme Bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and Aversion"

For me personally the first line is the most important to me:
"may all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss"

Or as many now say instead:

"May all beings attain Happiness and the cause of Happiness"

I just was taught to say the first one during the early 1980s and it became a part of what I tend to say alot quietly to myself as sort of a mantra or constant prayer.

Also, for me it really means: 

"May all beings in the universe in all time and space attain Bliss and the Cause of Bliss".

So, I experience the truth of this a lot and I find it very healing in my soul and the effect it has in reality upon the whole universe around me.

By God's Grace

Note: I am one of the 25% of Buddhists that Believe in God.

Note: Also, Buddha wasn't against believing in God, he was for ending human suffering in humans alive now instead of constantly debating whether God exists or not. This was his actual point of view.

So, whether God exists or not people need to end their suffering in useful ways all over the Earth and beyond.

By God's Grace

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