Thursday, January 4, 2024

Generating Compassion

 Since I was already raised a Mystical Christian which basically means: "God is everywhere and there is nowhere that God is not".

From this point of view and being taught to Co-Create with God:

which means to me at least that if God agrees with what you are creating he will help you and if he doesn't agree with you he won't let you succeed. So, I learned quickly from ages 15 to 20 years of age and beyond to be "In sync" with God's wishes.

It's part of what is good about Being an Intuitive because you can get into being in the right time and space always by getting into what I call "A God Flow".

However, unless you have your own business or have freedom how you spend your days and nights it would be difficult to get into a God Flow where you go where God wants you to be 24 hours a day waking and sleeping. If you can do this with God it is infinitely powerful not only for you but for all life in the Universe.

Doing this will literally help all life in the universe do better ongoing.

By God's Grace

Note: By the Way Generating Compassion I found was in some ways the same as Co-Creating with God or "One with God is a majority".

By Generating compassion 24 hours a day you are always helping everyone including yourselves and your families and your friends. Generating compassion and Co-Creating with God I find are basically the same thing.

Besides, God will not let you survive very long unless you are helping all life with what he gives you as you become more and more spiritually powerful throughout your life praying and generating compassion.

Also, IF you don't take the time to generate compassion you might not have any. 

Generating compassion is a lot like generating money in your life. If you don't do it who will?

And so if you don't generate compassion often you won't have any compassion or money either!

This is an important point that most people often don't understand.

Gratitude is the motor of Life!

By God's Grace

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