Monday, January 22, 2024

It's basically been raining off an on here on the SF Coast since Thursday or Friday (It's now Monday)

 Luckily, we haven't had below freezing temperatures (at least on the coast where the ocean is along the beaches. But, it's been raining almost constantly since last Thursday or Friday. So, far 3 separate storms have hit with the biggest one hitting all of California overnight Sunday into Monday. It's still raining hard outside right now with minor flooding a potential problem. However, we live on a hill so usually flooding isn't a problem for us even though there is a spring that runs under our house. However, we solved that problem years ago by digging two French drains about 3 feet deep around our house so we don't get water pooling under our house. A French drain if you haven't seen one be built is a hole about a foot wide and three feet deep filled with rocks the size of your fist which creates it's own little river underground to divert the rain away from your home or other object you don't want it running into or under it. This works great to keep the spring from pooling under our home. We are just diverting the spring around our home to where it can easily travel to the street in front of our house and along the street into drains at the end of the road and on to the beach that way.

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