Monday, January 22, 2024

Writing poetry or prose or lyrics or whatever will help you to continue doing this the rest of your life

The point is that writing something every day keeps your mind well oiled and if you are typing it helps you keep this skill too. I took a typing class the summer of 1960 when I was in Junior high school and never regretted it all these years later. I remember my first term paper around age 15 was a history term paper on the History of the Automobile. I procrastinated and had to stay up all night typing it to turn it in the next day. Later in 1987 I bought an An IBM clone AT Computer which is my first computer anything like the ones we use today. It was a desktop computer and I also bought an Epsom color printer. Then if I wanted to print out a Fractal it took 24 hours to do this then but it was still fun printing a fractal out in color from Mandelbrot at UCSC in Santa Cruz, California.

IF you like to write it helps to keep writing some every day that you can so that you can keep this skill as long as you live. Also, it helps to keep your mental faculties intact too. There are people still writing into their 90s and 100s all over the world.

By God's Grace

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