For example, you really have to search now for organic foods or shop at someplace like Whole Foods wherever you are able to get whole organically grown non-GMO foods. Because if it doesn't say organically grown or organic then likely whatever it is is GMO (Genetically modified organisms).
Also, Colon cancer likely is killing more young people in the U.S. than places like Europe where they have better safeguards against GMO grown things. So, food in general is much better for you and safer to eat in most of Europe than in the U.S. or Mexico or South America too where GMO crops are grown the most on earth likely.
The other problem is all the insecticides and herbicides found in the flesh of non-organically grown potatoes and carrots and apples and some other fruits and vegetables, all of which take into their flesh (beyond their skins) the toxins so there is no way not to be eating herbicides or pesticides in the meat or flesh of many vegetables that do this.
Also, there are so many synthetic additives also causing problems in people's guts too.
So, likely there will be more and more younger and younger people dying of colon cancer and it is primarily is about their diets and what they eat more than any other thing (at least at this particular point in time).
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