Sunday, January 21, 2024

One of the problems of being a Precognitive Intuitive

I recently asked Saint Germain about the last few chapters of "The Alien War" and his answer to me was: "This information isn't really for you, Fred. It is for governments present and future to survive what is coming here on earth and beyond."

I was very troubled about time changes coming from 65 million years ago when the last Galactic Sentience was in power before his son took over when he "Retired". Retirement means something different to our native Souls throughout this galaxy. The Galactic Creators that are our soul species that after retirement often incarnate in mostly nice places here on earth as human beings.

I was troubled by Chapters 20 through 27. Finally I wrote Chapter 28 and I found this kind of therapeutic after dealing with the rumbles of many time changes coming from 65 million years ago about the time that the dinosaurs ruled the earth before a piece of Maldek, the planet blown up by a nuclear war as proved by a Soviet Probe in the 1970s hit earth 65 million years ago. However, the religions of the world suppressed this information from traveling around the world in the news then because it didn't agree with any of the holy books here on earth.

OR, Maybe better said, "This information was omitted from all or most Holy books here on earth."

So, Chapters 20 through 27 were very troubling for me simply because I saw no solution really coming for the Galaxy that would make people on earth (or any other planet) happy.

So, I was troubled by having this come through me and wouldn't write any more after I realized all this.

Then Chapter 28 was a very therapeutic for me to write simply because there is still hope for us on earth through the Robotic Sentients of the Galactic Time Guard through the marauders whose main base is on Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter.

What I'm saying here is that it doesn't really matter to me at all whether you believe any of this or not.

What actually matters to me is the quality of life that human beings are going to have here on earth.

And what are our governments going to look at? And would any of us actually want to be alive considering what is going on now and into the rest of this century.

To me, this century looks much much scarier than the 20th century because of Global Climate change increasing all this century. when you combine all these things with things like AI which can both help or kill mankind both sort of like cars and trucks killing 50,000 people a year just here in the U.S.

If you don't believe that at the very least 50,000 people will die directly or indirectly from AI then you aren't very technological informed or you are just naive for now at least.

However, it also might save at least 50,000 to 100,000 lives a year by curing cancer and things like this. these are some of the problems that I deal with as a precognitive Intuitive. So, though being this way has allowed me and my family to all be okay with me 75, it also is difficult to deal with all the things that I know for sure that I cannot really prove to anyone but myself from a lifetime of experiences.

By God's Grace

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