Saturday, February 10, 2024

The last series of storms were unlike anything before

How? They were relentless in a new way. I think it is the Atmospheric river bringing up to 10 inches in places like Topanga and Woodland Hills in a few hours time.

It was also windy and rainy off and on for a week which is very unusual for California because usually storms hit us for an hour or two and might cause flooding and winds but they don't go on and on and on like these storms did to the point where power companies couldn't even work to restore the power because it was too dangerous for the people who did this as long as it was raining so much. So, power is out much longer than most times before as well. Where I live there were 8 days where it was raining some or a lot. This also is unusual for most parts of California too.

Though I must say generally speaking that the storms this year mostly haven't been as bad as the 15 Atmospheric Rivers that hit us last year. On the other hand this last storm knocking out power to 1 million 400 thousand plus people hasn't happened since the mid 1990s either. There are many unsettling changes in the last 30 years here in California regarding weather and this appears to be the case worldwide in many different ways ongoing too.

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