Saturday, March 23, 2024

Is Putin planning to nuke Ukraine to crater the whole place?

I just woke up as an Intuitive from a nightmare and wondering what was happening on earth that was causing this. Then I looked at my laptop computer and realized that Putin likely wants any excuse to Nuke Ukraine to end the war and everyone there. So, I'm writing this to warn the world of Putin's intentions which is to blame Ukraine for something Isis-K actually did in order to make his country angry enough to Nuke Ukraine and turn it into a crater. This I believe presently is coming and makes complete sense I would be having a nightmare under these circumstances before the fact. 

Another likelihood would be Putin Attacking Afghanistan with Special forces wherever ISIS-K lives. Either or both of these things are logical for Putin to do right now so the world should prepare for these two types of events (one or both).

I'm thinking Putin might be close to dying and with his dying breath he might be close to doing one or both of these things.

It reminds me a lot of what happened on the 1st timeline where Bush got angry at 9-11 and people started setting off doomsday weapons and killed off 5 billion people on earth within the first month after 9-11 as many countries then set off doomsday weapons. It took until 6000AD for the human race just to return to something like Queen Elizabeth I England in the 1600s.

Then from 7028 Elohar and Ragna came to fix the timeline so Civilization didn't end for 4000 years basically on 9-11 and timeline 2 was created that you and I presently live on.

However, if Putin nukes Ukraine that likely would be Nuclear Armageddon for earth and then Time would have to be changed once again because of Putin.

I think this is what my nightmare tonight is telling me.

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