Monday, March 25, 2024

Which of Trump's assets are most likely to be seized on Monday tomorrow (unless something else happens)


Assets, such as buildings, houses, cars, helicopters and his plane, are in play. The main focus could be on his bank accounts, which experts say will be easier to take hold of, and properties, which would be more difficult. 

end partial quote from:

Yes. I was thinking about them seizing his plane and bank accounts. There are many problems with seizing property since Trump often is highly mortgaged on all his properties. So, cash in bank accounts and his plane might be the easiest to seize control of. He says he has 500 million dollars. However, his lawyers say he doesn't. Something is fishy in Denmark I think there. Maybe he has this money in an offshore account like the Cayman Islands or maybe it's at Deutche Bank in Germany so it is protected by Putin?

Unknown at this time. However, the Attorney General of New York would already have a list of all the assets he legally owns including all his bank accounts here in the U.S. and any accounts attached to any of his properties as well. 

Also, there are accounts that are legal for U.S. citizen to have and accounts that would be illegal for a U.S. citizen to have like in the Cayman Islands (only illegal because Cayman Islands accounts and Swiss Acounts for example, are often ways to avoid paying income taxes or corporate taxes in the U.S.

So, it's quite possible he has illegal accounts overseas (because they are not taxed too here in the U.S.).

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