Wednesday, April 17, 2024

First sunny nice day in the Lahaina Area since we arrived from the mainland

It was about 80 degrees today and I'm still getting used to the different climate. The rainy days look like they are long gone at this point. Tonight we went to the Old Lahaina Luau which didn't burn down by the way like most people might have thought. So, it's still intact and still maybe the most amazing luau of it's kind I have ever been to. The Safeway mall is still in existence. However, the Denny's looks like it is either closed or being remodeled one of the two. Beautiful day here all day and a beautiful sunset. We also had an Amazing sunset last night and our friends visiting Hawaii were amazed at how beautiful the sunsets can be here on the islands.

So, if you are ever here on Maui and want to help the people of Lahaina doing something fun, you can buy a ticket to the Old Lahaina Luau because they donate some of the money they make to "Habitat for Humanity to rebuild homes here in Lahaina or I suppose you could just donate money to Habitat for Humanity and specify you want to donate specifically to the Lahaina branch of Habitat for humanity.

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