Monday, May 27, 2024

At this point in human history:

 If you are over 65 on Medicare there might be no limit to how long you can potentially live. My son was talking to me about this recently who has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. So, living to 80 90 100 or more is now a reality for many people including myself.

I expected to die around age 60 but then it was discovered that I had an undiagnosed hypothyroid condition so I'm still alive here at 76 because this was finally diagnosed. Then I began taking Armour Thyroid (because it has zero side effects) even though medicare won't cover this medicine for whatever the reason.

So, the point is if you have medicare and enough money to live you might still be alive when you are 100 or more if you choose to and the ages people die at goes up and up and up daily because of medical advances and people psychologically adapting to living longer.

I was interested if Mel Brooks (Blazing Saddles(1974) was still alive and he is presently 97 and still going to Hollywood get togethers etc. So, he is one of the many people that are living into their 90s or 100s now also too. It shows that laughing or making people laugh is like Readers Digest used to say: 

"Laughter is the Best Medicine" which was one of their regular features for years that I religiously read as a child and young adult ongoing.

NOTE: if you haven't seen "Blazing Saddles"(1974) it is one of the funniest movies ever made along with "It's a mad mad mad mad World!"(1963).

However, humor was much different then on many different levels than now too so it likely would depend upon what makes you laugh. However, these two movies I was falling off my seat laughing at as a younger person. I had tears of laughter running down my face they were so funny.

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