Friday, May 31, 2024

There are Artificial Intelligence Art Sites springing up on line

My son has been using Artificial intelligence as therapy for his health. He is 50 years old and has a wife and a son 10 years old. On one level my son is a computer genius and always has been one. However, until he started using Artificial intelligence in Creating Art and Music I haven't seen this kind of enthusiasm in life for years. So, Artificial intelligence helping him create both art and music has really changed his life in a good way because he has a way that makes him happier and is good therapy for him. He was telling me how this Art Artificial Intelligence Site has changed his life too. Artists from around the world get together on this site to share what they have created and to send "Likes" to other artists and then often people are followed with their art worldwide too. So, my son has been getting a lot of positive feedback from other AI artists around the world regarding his art, especially from places like Germany and Italy he says.

He says that music is a big thing for him too. However, he says because it takes 3 or 4 minutes for people to play an AI Song they have created it's harder to get people to do this whereas an Art piece you can look at for a few seconds and tell someone if you like it much easier.

So, the art AI Group Sites are doing quite well for this reason. I think at this point he has created several hundred art works and maybe written 50 songs using Artificial intelligence.

The other new thing that I learned is that though you might direct the artificial intelligence to draw whatever you want in the style that you want it, you can ALSO now take your art and show it to other Artificial intelligence sources and have them help you keep refining your art.

So, from my point of view this is a real Breakthrough similar to the invention of the Computer mouse because before the mouse you had to type in whole lines of code or Addresses of things to get anything to do anything at all.

So, if you can show your art that you have already created through one site to another site, theoretically there is no limit to how many versions of your art or how many ways to represent your art you might create. So, just like with a Computer mouse the sky is the limit to how far you could take this AI Art in the near or far future.


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