Monday, May 27, 2024

Starting your own website likely will help mankind survive what is coming

 The probability is that not everyone can survive global Climate changes as we are witnessing now from Texas to Washington DC the last few days. Someone said in the last week there have been over 1000 tornadoes as well as hail coming down man places too from Texas north to Chicago to Washington DC and the south and the East Coast.

So, mobilizing your friends and relatives and others who share your interests into groups so these family groups and groups of friends begin to share information about how to survive the increasingly bad weather. I suppose one way would be if you live in the new Tornado Alley being created by Global Climate changes now further east and South and north than before you could build a Cement underground survival place with a metal Door that is reinforced so even if your eardrums were broken from the massive air pressure changes from a Tornado you might survive anyway as well as your family.

We are at a point where people are traveling north to the U.S. to beat the heat in Central And south America. We are at a point where howler Monkeys are dropping dead out of trees now from the heat. We are at a point where this week it was 117 degrees Fahrenheit in New Delhi India with really bad air quality at the same time. We are at a point where coral reefs are dying worldwide at this point as well as the fish that occupy those coral reefs because the water is just too hot for them to survive. We are at a point where on the shores of many Asian Countries Fish (thousands of them) are belly up on the surface of waters all dead.

This is something now happening worldwide and people are dying directly and indirectly from climate changes all over the world now not just from tornadoes from Texas to Washington DC

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