Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Today I was working with my older daughter regarding creating a glossary for a book I have been writing basically since 1980. It's strange the questions she has asked me because I'm a different person now than I was in 1980 and began writing in the style I tend to write in now since 1980.

For example, when I first started writing in this style I was 32 years old and now I'm 76 years old. at that time in 1980 I never intended to publish what I was writing anywhere. I was simply trying to heal myself from childhood and young adult traumas in my life. I was very successful in many ways in healing myself using techniques learned while studying psychology in order to become a psychologist in my 20s. However, my girlfriend got pregnant when I was 25 and so I stopped going to college for awhile to support my new family and son. 

However in 1998 I had an epiphany in that I began to understand more the true nature of our souls. I see us all evolving both as souls and as human beings if we choose to by seeking enlightenment both through education and by meeting truly evolved beings who often become our mentors and teachers as we move through life.

My epiphany was that what I had been writing was me trying to heal my soul through many lifetimes past, present and future and part of the way I was healing all my lifetimes was to integrate all my lifetimes past, present and future in this one lifetime.

As I prepared to die from a heart virus in 1998 and 1999 it became clear to me the true nature of a soul was not tied in any way to time or space unless it was wearing a human body at the time (while here on earth).

So, then I realized my future memories would or could be helpful to all mankind who read them now and into the future.

So, I began to publish my writings online starting in 1999 and 2000 at another website that doesn't exist anymore. However, I continued to publish online my writings on this website too and at dragonofcompassion.com also which is where I keep many of my earlier writings.

Finding your voice as a writer is very important to finding your future as a being here on earth and beyond.

By God's Grace

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