Monday, May 27, 2024

I was forced to retire because of my health at age 50

 There are many ways to look at this and I have analyzed them all pretty much because that was 26 years ago now.

Many people are not suited to retirement because they would either drink themselves to death or eat themselves to death if they retired or they would take risks that would cause the end of their lives or I could go on and on.

So, if you are not self disciplined already in how you operate in your lives then retirement might not work for you.

Also, some people are workaholics which just means instead of being an alcoholic they are the same way about work. And it isn't hard to find articles of younger people in Asia working so hard so many hours that they are dead between 25 and 30 years of age because they just don't know how to say "NO!" to their employers.

So, a part of living a long life is having more control and being "A Captain of your own ship and a master of your own destiny."

The easiest way to do that is to own your own business rather than working for someone else and understanding that often this is the difference between dying somewhere between age 30 and 50 and living a longer life and being happy. But, it starts with very independent thinking to begin with. You have to fight for what you need to survive in life even if it is fighting your employers by quitting and starting your own businesses.

Of course to be realistic here I was 28 to 30 before I succeeded in having my own businesses for a variety of reasons. I preferred cottage industries where I could start a business in my garage or den (office) wherever I lived and to move out from there. If you remember Apple Computer started in Steven Jobs parents Garage you get the general idea.

The point is a low overhead or service business often is the best idea. However, one has to be very self motivated to succeed in these ways too and be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. 

So, I tend to think about people who work for other people as sort of being willing slaves and the problem with this is mainly the mindset people get into which is counterproductive to their long term survival here on earth.

Of course "Any port in a storm" which means that whenever I needed to work for someone else I did.

So, the most important thing is to be a survivor first before you start your own business or businesses.


The other thing is that I never expected to be able to retire at 50 either so I was surprised there was actually a way to do this that could work for me and my family.

However, I had been praying for what is called in Buddhism "The Leisure to Practice" since 1980 so when I believe I might be dying in 1998 I eventually realized by May of 1999 when Doctors said I wasn't going to die anymore that I might live a much longer lifespan which I have because so far I have made it to 76 years of age.

"Leisure to Practice" simply means you have time to pray for everyone in your family and your friends and all life on earth ongoing 24 hours a day.

I knew I would be good at this the way my mother and grandmother were too. They lived this and now I do too. So, you pray and your family stays alive and continues to prosper in all ways and you become a blessing to all beings by praying all the time which is a joy in itself.

By God's Grace

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