Monday, May 27, 2024


 OR "Living by God's Grace"

I look at my life and see often how at every point in my life I should have died (at 2, at 10 to 15, when I left the religion I was raised in (stopped going to those churches) when I divorced for the first time, when I divorced for the 2nd time, when I had a panic attack that resembled a heart attack, when I tried to find a heart specialist to see me but didn't have health insurance because I was raising children and couldn't afford it, when I got a heart virus in 1998 (and the list goes on and on).

So, it is very clear to me from age 2 to the present I have ONLY lived by THE GRACE OF GOD at each and every point in my life.

So, it is very clear to me on many many different levels that the ONLY Reason I'm still alive is that God and the Angels still want me to be here doing God's Work. Otherwise I would already be dead 100 times over.

So, my point of view is I ONLY live by the "Grace of God" for which I'm grateful for every single day.

And the most important thing seems to be putting my attention on things God wants me to think about so they become prayer forms to heal myself and  my family and all mankind through prayers.

Remember all thoughts and feelings are actually real things (just in a different way than physical things you observe.

I like to demonstrate this by someone deciding to build a table for their home or garage or wherever.

First you have to want to build a table

Then you have to design that table in your mind or on paper or usually both.

Then you have to decide what size to make it.

Then you have to decide what wood you want to make it out of.

Then you have to cut the wood the right sizes so all pieces fit together properly.

Then you have to build it and then put it where you want it to be.

This is exactly how prayers work too.

So, what I do is ask God or I'm told by God or Angels what is okay to pray for.

Then I pray for that while watching Angels Guide me and help me manifest what I'm praying for.

Then what I pray for often really happens in real life.

So, living your life as a 24 hour prayer to God is actually a real way to live your life where you are always entertaining Angels in your life so they can share with you what to pray for and manifest in your lives on a daily basis.

God is As real as Planet Earth or your Body.

Angels are as real as Planet Earth and your body and likely more so because they are timeless.

Understanding and accepting all this you move forward and by God's Grace change everything for the better every day of your life with the constant Help of God and the Angels

By God's Grace

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