Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Though organized religion never really worked well for me in life the discipline and grace of being raised in a church set the tone of my life

I tried to return to church many places during my 20s but I was just too much of a free Thinker and I lived with God and Angels all the time. God and Angels in some ways were my family and my best friends and I was happy living with them all the time. it's not that my life was ever perfect but it was always survivable because I always lived with the angels and God in my life. 

I became by my late 20s "Spiritual but not religious". What does this really mean?

To me it means I'm with God and angels 24 hours a day every day and not just on Sundays. It means I take very seriously living with God and Angels 24 hours a day on going. It means I pray basically 24 hours a day especially after I had to retire at age 50 with a heart virus.

If you want to serve God and angels and live a really long time try living with the Angels. There is nothing quite like it I have found.

Also, since they live in the past, present and future and beyond if an angel tells you something you need to really be listening. Why?

Because often if you don't listen you or a member of your family will be dead soon.

Strange karmic things happen without warning for all of us. So, if you aren't listening all the time then sometimes Splat! then either you or a member of your family is gone.

Living with angels is life preserving!

By God's Grace

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