Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 This is a relatively new I think Edema diuretic. I'm having some problems with it. There aren't hallucinations like you can get at night from Furosemide so I was trying to not take furosemide anymore because I was done with hallucinations at night. So, I am trying Torsemide but it is sort of like drinking whiskey in it's effects at least on me. Everyone is different so all these medicines act in a very individual way so you have to test drugs that might be beneficial to your survival until you find one you can live with. Since I don't feel safe driving a car in heavy traffic on Torsemide I think I need to find a different diuretic for Edema than Torsemide so I can feel more like I didn't just drink a glass or two of whiskey in my thoughts and actions because I don't want to be driving while taking this drug.

However, you might have a completely different experience than me. This is just my experience so far taking one tablet of Torsemide per day as a diuretic. 

However, there are good things about this drug too like with Furosemide if you take it you are going to be urinating like crazy for the next 6 to 8 hours after you take furosemide. So, if you make the mistake of taking Furosemide at midnight then you will be up peeing every 20 minutes to 1/2 hour for the next 6 or 8 hours without fail.

Whereas with Torsemide even if you took this drug at midnight you could likely manage getting up every 2 to 3 hours during the night to urinate and be okay the way it works. Torsemide works by not allowing your kidneys to hold onto water at all so it is more gradual than the effects of Furosemide which is extreme in the way you eliminate water from your body.

However, all diuretics save your life if you have edema because the danger with edema (one of many dangers) is that you will drown in your own lungs from fluid from your blood stream basically overflowing into your lungs. So, eliminating excess water is a way to stay alive and not die which is what edema causes if you don't eliminate excess fluids from your body and bloodstream fast enough.

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