Monday, May 27, 2024

Profiling the future

 Since many of you might not be intuitives like myself (even though most or all of you could be under the right circumstances intuitives also) one way to predict the future is through things like Weather Apps and Weather reports that use Artificial intelligence.

However, it's important to realize that Weather apps (which are often a form of Artificial intelligence) and Regular Artificial intelligence like maybe Chat GPT either 3.5 or 4.0 might be useful. Some people like chat GPT 4.0 because you can have whole conversations with Chat GPT 4.0 on your phone now. 

However, my son was telling me that the latest Chat GPT 4.0 is very intimidating to talk to so maybe if you want to talk to Chat GPT 4.0 in person maybe write down what you want to say to the AI first so you aren't overwhelmed with what it says.

Because believe me if talking with Chat GPT 4.0 is anything like Pi which also does this in a more palatable way it's sort of like talking to a College professor excellent on any subject you want to discuss. 

So, carefully craft your questions and don't be intimidated into revealing any more to it than you have to about yourself. Because whatever you say to it it is going to remember and possibly share with others like developers or who knows who is listening or will listen to recordings of your conversations with ANY AI in the near or far future.

However, remember whatever they say (the AI) is only a predictive Model or a Probability Generator. So, you are never entirely dealing with facts and instead in some ways you might as well be talking to any genius on the planet about whatever you are talking about. 

So, it's important to not think about what is says as completely factual but only another educated point of view on whatever subject you are speaking to the AI about.

Likely soon, AI will function in any language spoken on earth sort of like how C3PO speaks maybe 90,000 languages in Star Wars.

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