Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Living with the angels can save your life and the lives of your family and friends

My first experience was with angels coming to rescue me from Whooping cough at age 2. They saved my life but also never really left me after that. It wasn't that my life was ever easy. However, it was survivable even under age 4 when we lived in Seattle where it rains and sometimes snows a lot most of the year.

Then in 1952 we moved to San Diego from seattle and though I missed my relatives and grandparents that were my father's relatives and my mother's relatives I did like the warm beach weather of San Diego.

I never forgot the angels saving my life so when I was desperate as a child I often prayed for angels to help me and I wanted to Soul Travel with them. This made a lot of sense to me after experiencing them myself and how wonderful they are at age 2.

So, by age 21 I finally vowed to God that I would live with the Angels the rest of my life.

It is one of the best decisions I ever made in my life and likely the best one of them all if I really think about it. It is one of the main reasons I'm still alive here in 2024 at age 76. It's amazing to me that God gave me the Grace of his angels to keep me living this long already.

By God's Grace

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