Monday, May 27, 2024

How many people who were wiped out by tornadoes will be driven into Bankruptcy after they survive the tornadoes?

 The problem these days is insurance whether it is for fires, tornadoes, Hurricanes or whatever even Earthquakes.  Anywhere from San Luis Obispo south to San Diego is a problem anywhere on the coast in getting fire insurance. And without fire insurance you cannot have a mortgage. So, it's possible to own your own house in many situations without fire insurance but what happens when your house burns down? What then?

This is likely happening to people losing their homes and businesses now from Texas East to places like Florida and every where north of there to Chicago and over to Washington DC. Many people are losing everything now if they have their homes paid for and don't have Tornado insurance or even Hail insurance in case hail or high Winds damage roofs or take their roofs off along with the Tornadoes.

So, it isn't just the number of dead that is important to think about. The real question is how many people are losing their homes and businesses and do not have insurance to replace those homes and businesses? For example, in Paradise, California many or most people didn't have fire insurance if their homes were paid for in Paradise and likely some of them are still homeless today or living in their cars or motor homes many different places in California or elsewhere.

Things like Tornadoes and fires are financially completely wiping out many people who likely cannot financially recover simply because they are living hand to mouth to begin with.

So, the real question here is: "How many people are being wiped out completely by the tornadoes and hail and winds?" So, even if they live through this their lives become a living hell ongoing ever after.

And this is now happening worldwide more and more and more.

This is the reality of all this winter and summer and all 4 seasons worldwide.


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