Monday, May 27, 2024

define Courage:


Definitions from Oxford LanguagesLearn more
the ability to do something that frightens one.
"she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"
strength in the face of pain or grief.
"he fought his illness with great courage"
end quote. 
I looked up courage tonight because I can see the world needs courage to face everything from Trump, the Elections, Israel-Palestinian War, Putin attacking Ukraine, and Global Climate changes.
Of them all, the most likely to kill all of us are Global Climate changes during this century. The 2nd thing if it isn't used properly that could kill us all is Artificial intelligence so hopefully people will give it legal boundaries are are enforceable to keep some or all of the Human race alive while it figures out how to save us?
So, Courage is important now maybe more than ever since World War II here on planet earth.
Courage to think outside of the box in order that more people can survive. Courage to get up and face one more day of your life when things look bleak if your whole city is gone from Tornadoes (or ranch or home or business) since I believe the storms hit 20 states today so far.
So, courage is what all of us need to face all the things we need to face to survive now on planet earth for centuries to come.

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