Saturday, August 17, 2024

71 to 82 degrees?

 The last two months our Air Conditioning and heating system hasn't been working at our Santa Barbara home. So, we haven't been spending much time here. However, I'm thinking this is a cooler summer here all along the coast because from Eureka to San Diego it has been a much cooler summer than I remember in the past because when it gets into the hundreds inland it just brings more fog off the ocean and cools the whole coast down. 

For example, when I was staying in Rancho Bernardo it might be 90 to 100 degrees outside but it was seldom above 80 degrees on the coast even in San Diego.

And here it is similar but slightly cooler than that on average maybe not usually over 76 to 78 degrees in the day time.

However, without an air conditioner running what that means for a home built in the 1950s is that even if it is only 76 degrees at its' hottest outside the home somehow gets up to 80 degrees inside without thermopane windows and all the other bells and whistles of newer homes. 

So, finally yesterday they got a new Samsung Heat pump because California for some reason wouldn't allow parts to be made or sold in Califonria for our almost new (two years old) Samsung heat pump). So, our heating and cooling specialist ordered a whole new unit from I think maybe Michigan which cost us about 4000 dollars on top of the money we spent to install this system 2 years ago?

So, they installed it and left. However, as I closed up the windows to let the Air conditioner work I watched the thermostat rise to 82 degrees in the house I realized it wasn't working and was just blowing outside air into the house instead. Where it was really nice was at night when it cooled down it blew air in the 60s range into the house (which made it feel like the air conditioner was working when it wasn't.)

So, my daughter who is even more techie than I am because of her business said she would help me reset it. I told her the only way to overcome the programming in the thermostat made by Honeywell was to use the "Temporary Hold" and the "Permanent Hold" which I couldn't seem to get to for some reason.

She said we likely needed a Factory reset for the Honeywell Thermostat which is used to program the connection between the thermostat and the new Samsung Unit. I said this makes sense sort of like how you have to pair your smartphone with your car when you change smartphones.

So, in the meantime it is 9 am and so far cloudy and I put a 3 foot fan next to the screen of a bathroom window and I'm blowing 66 degree air into the house while I still can before it gets hot and opened another window with a screen near our front door while my wife is on the phone trying to make a factory reset of the system. Hopefully this works.

The point I'm making is all this is bearable but I find I don't really do great at 76 years old at 82 inside because I find my brain doesn't work as good at this temperature if I"m in 82 degrees all day long. It makes me  ornery which isn't helpful to my relationship with my wife. So, hopefully we can solve this problem and not have to wait until Monday when we likely can get some help from our heating and cooling specialist who installed the new Samsung Heat Pump because California decided for some reason not to allow parts for our 2 year old unit?

Our heating specialist says he has over 100 units just like ours already installed in the Santa Barbara area so this potentially is a nightmare for his business because of what California has done regarding parts to these units. Also, Santa Barbara is known for power surges because that is likely what caused our previous unit to fry possibly during a fire is when we get these power surges.

Legally now, they are required to have a household wide Surge protector to protect all your appliances from frying in power surges here in Santa Barbara County I believe too at this point to try to prevent this sort of thing from happening. So, retroactively after our unit fried we put in a surge protector for the whole household before installing our new Samsung Heat pump. So, hopefully we can get it working for us without waiting for Monday through the phone to Honeywell which has a customer service phone number set up to solve problems like this one I believe.

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