Thursday, August 15, 2024

Compassion for oneself and others is the basis of all True Civilization. Why?

 Because "NO Man is an Island" even though many younger men want to think they are islands.

But, most women understand that all people are basically interdependent, especially if they want to live to old age.

And Compassion for oneself and all others is the basis of all civilization that allows people to actually live into their 70s and beyond. 

Also, the wisdom of people over 60 to 100 is really powerful too because just having survived that long you have really learned a lot of things that younger people haven't learned yet in how to survive long term.

Family is likely the most important thing to know about to live a long time.

Most of the world doesn't have social services like Medicare or Social Security at all.

So, in most of the world if you don't have family helping each other all the time life is pretty short and even here in the U.S. this also could be true for most people too.

So, compassion for yourself and your family and your friends is the beginning of all civilization on earth that is actually worth having at all.

By God' Grace

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