Thursday, August 8, 2024

Each moment we live is precious to ourselves and to others

 Before my father died I was not completely grown up in some ways. There is this saying in India to a new Wife there. "May you have 9 sons and the 10th be your husband." (which is sort of true of all men because in a certain way men are all just big boys) and the playful side of most men never ends or stops of being like in Junior High or High School. So, this is both good and bad and everything in between also.

So, when my father died I was 37 and I realized (even though I had been married to the same woman for 7 years then) that I wasn't going to be able to spend the rest of my life with her after my father died. To make matters worse I had a Deja Vu which showed me that I would marry again. I was pretty upset about this simply because I had already been divorced before and my son and I went through this once already. Also, my two step kids also had already been through a divorce and I knew that the Deja Vu was also going to happen because if you are an intuitive like I am you just know these kinds of things when they happen.

So, after struggling another 7 years trying to stay together for our kids it just wasn't going to work anymore and so the Deja Vu was right I was divorced and remarried and had another Daughter. 

However, ever since my father had passed on in 1985 at 69 I hadn't been exactly right after that. I had hit middle Aged Crazy and lost my father about the same time. So, from 1985 until 1998 when I got a heart virus myself at age 50 and almost died I was dealing with a lot in my life even though I had remarried and had another daughter.

However, after almost dying for 9 months everything changed. Facing your own death for 9 months time really can change a person and I had completely changed my attitude.

What was my new Attitude?

"Each moment we live is precious."

So, I had stopped worrying about dying and started being a person who is grateful for every moment I had left with my  wife and children and Grandchildren. I have been like this ever since I was forced to retire at 50. I had prayed from 1980 until 1998 for "The Leisure to Practice" in other words the freedom to "Pray without ceasing." I didn't want to be a minister of any religion but I did want to pray without ceasing like my mother and grandmother did. And even my father would get up at 4:30AM in the morning and pray for several hours before he went to work. He did this daily.

So, they all set a very good example for me.

So, I had gone from Middle Aged Crazy to Thanking God for each moment he has given me since 1998 and I continue to do this and to pray for everyone on earth including my wife and friends and family ongoing.

By God's Grace

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