Friday, August 9, 2024


 At first when I came to Rancho Bernardo which is where I last lived with my parents while going to college in my 20s just before i got married and went off on my own, I thought I could just tune into the good things that happened to me here.

However, today I experienced the grief of loss of my parents (and Grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins) because of course I'm presently 76 years old and most of them are now dead. (All of my aunts and uncles and parents and grandparents are dead.

So, today being here I find myself experiencing grief with tears coming to my eyes. Is this good or Bad?

This Grief?

LIkely both good and bad because facing reality is often very cathartic and cleansing.

In otherwords anything you didn't deal with before you are now dealing with and this can wash you clean like being baptised in a river or other cathartic event in your life.

Fighting back tears is only likely going to give you cancer or other health problems so if you are in a private place like I am now letting your tears flow because of lost relatives and friends now long gone might be helpful and even life affirming.

We cannot really live in the past. Unless we can live in the present and future we are of no help to our children and grandchildren and friends.

By God's Grace

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