Monday, August 19, 2024

 I realized that Chapter 28 was difficult to read so I am giving you the URL for Chapter 28 so it can be more easily accessed for now. I'm presently beginning to write chapter 29 which it has taken me 2 years to think about whether I wanted to write more or not. However, I think writing more about the "History of the Galaxy" and what has been happening might be important at this point. 

Part of what was overwhelming for me is to think that just like there are two major timelines one where most of humanity was killed or incapacitated as humans on September 11th 2001. And a 2nd timeline that was given the go ahead by the Galactic Sentience around 1969 or 1970 but created between then an 2001.

To be fully realistic there are many many timelines regarding earth. We just happen to live on a relatively good one and I realize now that when I asked the present Galactic Sentience if thermonuclear war could be prevented he said "YES!"

However, as a young man I had no idea how this actually would be accomplished only that it would be.

At that time I could soul travel but didn't know much about time travel or time lines or that His Holiness the Galactic Sentience would choose to create a 2nd timeline for this purpose or that I would have to work hard to help create it myself with others either. I would say in regard to a lot of this I was clueless as a 22 year old wanting my planet not to nuke out and end all civilizations for from 2001 until around 6000 AD on the first timeline. By 6000 AD (around there) you had something like Elizabeth I in England only in the area of Switzerland. By 7000 AD on the 2nd timeline you had Time travel with General Ragna being a Time General and Elohar being a Seer maintained by King Interlaken of the Switzerland area which also included nearby localities like parts of Italy Germany Austria etc. Elevations above 3000 to 3500 feet were best then to avoid nuclear contamination from the winds still in 6000 to 7000AD on the first timeline.

Begin quote.

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