Sunday, August 11, 2024

More Regarding Moonlight Beach, SRF and Encinitas in General

 I realized once I had given you the information on Yogananda that I needed to start another article because that article filled the page.

Though my wife's sister in 1973 lived in Encinitas and was trying then to become an SRF Nun we also lived in Encinitas as well eventually too when we were first living together before we got married and had a son who is now 50 years old and lives in Portland with his Wife and Son.

Moonlight Beach I recently visited with my son in law from Europe who visited us for awhile in San Diego County. However, everything had changed in that there was no parking and I would have had to park 1 mile or more away from the beach just to visit it. So, being 76 on a very hot day this wasn't going to happen so we drove to La Jolla which was a good experience too. Eventually, since we brought two cars to San Diego County I let my son in law use my daughter's car and he went to Del Mar Beach which is more hidden from the public so there often is parking there. My daughter visiting from Texas for the birth of her sister's child eventually went to Del Mar Beach with me and we walked along the beach there one day. She returned to Texas where she works yesterday.

I can remember staying with my wife's sister in Encinitas and one night a big male possum somehow got the front screen door open and then peed on our North Face Down Sleeping bag that fits two people. Trying to get the smell of possum urine out of that nice sleeping bag was quite a chore by the way. It's strange the things you remember of when you were young.

Though my wife's sister never became an SRF Nun because they wouldn't accept her because she was Diabetic and didn't want to have to pay for her health care as a diabetic she eventually became a fan of George Harrison because he was a very spiritual person too. She followed his concerts sometimes across the U.S. at that time. Eventually she got married and I think had around 5 kids but the diabetes took her life in her 40s.

MY now ex-wife just visited our son in Portland Oregon while buying a Minivan up there. It was good that they reconnected because they haven't spent much time together since he was 3 years old and I became a single father at age 29.

When I was little I was raised a Lacto Ovo Vegetarian by my parents and SRF used to have the two best Vegetarian restaurants in California in the 1950s. One of them was at Encinitas and the other one was in Hollywood. Many actors were or are SRF students still. The most famous one I know of was Dennis Weaver in the 1960s and 1970s he had his own show on TV and was also in the Gunsmoke TV series.

I was thinking Dennis Weaver's character name was Festes but it was actually Chester on Gunsmoke

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