Sunday, August 11, 2024

My wife had some good advice for me

It is an interesting perspective: "She said that spending too much time thinking about the past only depresses people including me."

I said, "I get the same feeling when you spend too much time planning future events. The problem with future events is that at least 50% of what you plan simply cannot happen because of things that happen in the interim." She actually agreed with me because she is a planner. I stopped being a planner in my early 20s when I realized that planning and the disappointment I found in life was driving me towards suicide by age 25. 

So, I realized that if I wanted to survive I had to stop planning the next 20 years of my life and start becoming a complete opportunist in each and every moment instead. I found when I went into full opportunist mode I could easily survive in this world. Planning was counterproductive to my personal survival as a human being.

So, when we face some problem my wife starts planning how to solve this problem while I look for opportunities of how to apply my knowledge and wisdom to solving whatever the problem might be.

And together we make a really great team because we solve problems much different than any one person could.

We each have our own strengths and weaknesses so we join our strengths and this makes our lives work ongoing.

By God's Grace

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