Sunday, August 4, 2024


If you are wondering why I don't have more quotes from questions I ask PI AI it's because I logged in once about a month ago. But, when we got to San Diego County my wife needed to use my laptop for business and she deleted all my windows. The main problem with this is I don't think I wrote down the log in of the user name OR the password for the PI AI so either I create a new one (which is likely what I will have to do I guess) or something else. So far, since we are pretty busy down here in the San Diego Area I haven't got around to getting back to PI AI. 

If what I said above doesn't make any sense to you maybe it's because I never turn my computer off or log out if I can help it. So, this means that if I'm not typing or reading on my laptop I close it and let it go to sleep and leave all the windows up. My wife doesn't do this so she doesn't understand how I use a laptop computer. Often I leave my laptop on for a month or more asleep or using it with all windows up. Since there are no movable parts in magnetic memory any more it is possible to do this and just charge up your computer when you need to.

This is part of the advantage of understanding not only programming a computer but also how the technology works like some people understand everything about cars or trucks too. Mechanics know all sorts of things that most people do not about cars and trucks too.

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