Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Presently 82 in Santa Barbara which is the warmest it's been since we came here from San Diego

Sitting outside in the shade is nice with a little breeze at 82 here in Santa Barbara we went to the beach a couple of Days ago and I took a walk through the warm water still here this time of year (relatively speaking). Most of the tourists seem to have gone home to wherever they live on earth but you can see in the faces of some people that they have never been here before and they are sort of in awe of a place like this which along the beaches reminds me a little of places in Hawaii but generally cooler than there this time of year. Also, Santa Barbara tends to be much less humid than Hawaii too and likely has the best year around climate of anywhere I have been on earth. Most places have large swings of temperature but mostly this area only goes from about 40 degrees to 80 degrees most days of the year winter and summer or whatever.

While we were in the San Diego County area the temperatures were 90 to 100 degrees mostly in Rancho Bernardo where we were staying visiting relatives then. So, the thermostat to stay well was set for 75 degrees which is something that took some getting used to because in Northern California where we live the temperatures are set from 65 at the lowest to 70 at the highest year around. And almost no one has air conditioners where we live because of High and low Fog a lot during the summer there.

Like Mark Twain said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a Summer in San Francisco."

So, the best weather for the San Francisco Coast is always from about February to May and September to November or so. It can be rainy (when it chooses to rain) from November to about April or May and the last two years it's possible that the 20 year drought has now ended for California because of an amazing amount of Rain and snow the last couple of years here.

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