Thursday, August 15, 2024

The existence of the Creators predates all Galaxies because they built them all

 As a human being in order for me to process all this it has taken me 50 years to more fully understand all this ever since I soul traveled to the Galactic Core to meet who I thought was going to be God. However, that wasn't who was there. Instead there is a Being Running the Galaxy who many people on many planets think of as God because of what he can do. However, he doesn't really want to be thought of as a God because he doesn't think this is useful to him or to others. I traveled there around 1970 from Rancho Bernardo where my body was while I was Bi-locating there. What gave me this idea? Mostly I am very intuitive and knew world nuclear holocaust was inevitable. I didn't know when I only knew it was coming. It didn't happen until September 11th 2001 but by then we had built a 2nd timeline which the Galactic Sentience Told me he could prevent the Nuclear Holocaust.

However, the first timeline where everyone died still exists (as far as I know still) and some of the survivors from 7028 AD on the first timeline named Elohar and Ragna came to me and helped me stay alive so that I could help them create this outcome that we are living on now which I often now call (The 2nd timeline) even though there are many more than this at this point for a variety of reasons.

You might ask "How did the Creators Build all these Galaxies?"

The important fact here is that time and space did not really exist (at least as we know it) until Galaxies were created. How did Creators live before Galaxies?

IT's sort of difficult for even me to explain this because I live in a human body now and don't presently have over 1 million or more IQ the way most Creators do.

But, the easy way to see this is they were into Being not time and space because time and space doesn't really exist before there were galaxies so Creators were not originally physical matter but rather an energy form which can be everywhere at once so to speak in consciousness. But, then they needed Food which for them was certain types of energies and those energies help them survive the best once they learned to Create Galaxies.

For example, I am a very very ancient Creator living in a human body here on earth. Why?

Because Earth is a retirement Center for retired Creators at this point and likely has been for thousands of years already.

Why would we do this?

Very simple: 'Mortality helps us appreciate being alive and being alive helps all our children and grandchildren Creators do better in life. So, we stay alive by being humans on earth. This is only a part of it though.

By God's Grace

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