Wednesday, August 7, 2024

There was a 4.9 Earthquake in California on July 29th 2024 and now today there is a 5.2 near Bakersfield

These two earthquakes are in different locations but for a lifelong Californian we would worry that they are connected to something bigger. For example, if another 5.0 or 6.0 earthquake should occur now or larger Californians are going to start to worry more. But, these two around 5 are also a concern for Californians who have been living in California like me since 1952. IT has been a pretty long spell without a major earthquake in a city area like Los Angeles or San Diego or San Francisco and that could be a problem too if the tensions in the fault lines are building up without releasing. It's better to have these little earthquakes rather than have a 7 or 8 or a 9 where a lot of people die and there is major damage to infrastructure and sometime dams can burst or things like this.

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The impact was felt across a wide swath of Southern California, including metropolitan Los Angeles and northern San Diego County. The USGS initially measured the quake as a 5.1 magnitude but quickly downgraded it to 4.9. It was followed by several significant aftershocks measuring 3.5 and 2.7.Jul 29, 2024

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