Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Though a 5.2 earthquake isn't very big relatively speaking the scariest earthquake for me in relation to my then 5 year old daughter was also a 5.0 earthquake

I have shared this story several times and so I will try to be brief in how I describe this:

My daughter was 5 years old and we were visiting my cousin's house with a big swimming pool in Orange County in California. I was watching CNN in the living room and my 5 year old was in the pool riding a floaty toy like a dragon or something. Then the 5.0 Earthquake hit with literally a bang as it hit the house. I ran outside as things on the walls were moving because my daughter was in the pool and I didn't want her to die from a concussion on the edge of the pool from the earthquake. She wanted to know why 1 to 2 feet of water was sloshing out of the pool in all directions?

I told her it was a pretty large earthquake and I needed her to swim into the center of the pool so she wouldn't be injured on the edge of the pool. She did as I asked so she survived all this okay. So, as you can see even a 5.0 can be terrifying for a parent if their child is in the pool at the time the earthquake hits.

So, though it's true people don't usually die in a 5.0 earthquake still this likely was the scariest earthquake for me as a parent  of a young child that I ever faced trying to keep my daughter alive during a 5.0 earthquake.

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