Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Why Global Climate changes are more potentially serious than anything going on in the news today

The story I like to tell is about a Lobster. If that lobster is put into cold Water there is no point at which the lobster will jump out as it heats up.

However, if you put the same lobster in hot boiling water he will jump right out of the pot. no questions asked.

The human race is in the same position exactly as the first lobster put into cold water and then slowly heating it up.

Until most people on earth die from the heat there will be no point at which enough people want to do something different.

This is just exactly how serious global Climate changes (the heating up of the water and air of earth) is to the ongoing survival of the human race. 

Today thousands of people (no one knows exactly how many) are dying each summer from the heat via heat prostration. 

However, eventually millions of people are going to be dying of heat prostration near the equator especially.

Then you have the heating of the oceans all over earth where evaporation becomes more extreme over time because hotter water evaporates more quickly and causes more rain clouds to form and warmer air can hold more water for some reason too.

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