Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Writing can be healing and life saving

 You can start by saving your own life through writing or you can start by saving other's lives through writing. It's all about motivation in the end and what is important to you.

By saving yourself often you save others and by Saving Others often you save yourself.

I can trace this back to when my son was born when I was 26 years old. Before this I had sort of been sort of suicidal since I was 18 to 25 on and off.

The world had been way to harsh for me always and I wanted out of it. But then, I met my first wife and we had a son.

No Longer could I be so selfish to take my own life for any reason. Now I had others to think about besides myself.

When I married and supported my wife and son I found meaning to my life. I worked and started businesses to support my wife and son. I had found a life. I hadn't really had a life so to speak before this.

I was completely amazed how "expendable" single young men are. No wonder they sacrifice their lives all over the world for good or bad reasons for thousands of years or for no reason at all.

In Saving my wife and son's lives I saved my own. Even though it took me 3 years to get used to becoming a father it is now how I always identify which is first as a father and then as a husband and then as a grandfather. It has been my identity ever since.

A profession never really made sense to me outside of owning my own businesses and because I got married and took care of my wife and son my life has prospered in all ways in the sight of God.

By God's Grace

So, though my son was born in 1974 and is now 50 years old, this path saved my life and his and his mothers ongoing in many ways.

By God's Grace

Now I have 3 biological children and one adopted child that just had her 2nd son this last week or so.

By God's Grace

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