Monday, October 7, 2024

We Ranked the States in America From Worst to Best, & Why Americans No Longer Want to Live There

IF you are wealthy enough, California can be a great place to live. However, many people in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles have been priced out of living in California and are sad to leave. I think San Francisco is the saddest of large cities because of this where dot comers have bought up all the best housing in the city making it impossible to buy houses there for most normal people. So, something 100,000 a few years ago is 1/2 million now and something 500,000 a few years ago is now worth 1 million or more. Then also in San Francisco you have a tremendous homeless problem downtown which has caused many big businesses to have to close because of the security of trying to prevent thefts and break ins. But, the homeless problem mostly has come from other states (all of them) turfing their homeless to San Francisco because social programs there are more likely to keep them alive and the climate usually doesn't freeze there either so people are more likely to survive outside there too and it doesn't usually get too hot in the summers either. So, turfing homeless from all states to San Francisco has become a real problem for California in general.

However, if you have a high enough income to live in California it is wonderful except for gas prices and the traffic in places like San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. But, if you live in more remote areas along the coast or inland life is still pretty good in California. At this point I wouldn't live anywhere else because I have lived here mostly since I was 4 in 1952.

Also, you might pay 6 dollars a gallon for regular gas in the San Francisco Bay area too and when I visited Portland Oregon recently I paid only around 3.99 a gallon for regular or even less while I was staying there. This makes a big difference too for many people.

However, wages tend to be higher in California than other places too to keep people here and helps them not have to move away to other states.

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We Ranked the States in America From Worst to Best, & Why Americans No Longer Want to Live There

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Reddit // u/Stealthfox94

America is a big country and Americans can choose a lot of places to live within the country. Have you ever wondered how these states compare? Of course, things like personal preference play a role, but these are the states and how Americans feel about them. Let’s take a few minutes to delve in and see what each state has to offer and what might be keeping some Americans away.

50. Alaska

Alaska is a snowy state with a lot of beautiful land. However, the state sees a lot more people leaving than moving there. It’s not just the remote location that keeps people away.

Reddit // u/aatdalt

According to Juneau Empire, “A lot of wise people who follow economic and population trends list the factors as inadequate state support for K-12 schools and the university system, lack of available housing, a shortage of child care, and better economic opportunities elsewhere.”

49. Kentucky

Kentucky is the bluegrass state and it’s full of sweeping fields and, well, the home of bluegrass! Yet, it’s a lack of jobs that sends a lot of people from the state.

Reddit // u/[deleted]
United Van Lines once stated, “More than half the people who move out of Kentucky are leaving to take a better job somewhere else.” With the cost of living rising and the minimum wage at $7.25, some of the wages that people in Kentucky can get aren’t enough to support them.

48. Arkansas

Arkansas is a beautiful state dubbed The Land of Opportunity. Despite the numerous natural parks and a pretty well-known college, the population is dropping.

Reddit // u/benstonevideos

A lot of this comes down to the fact that even if somewhere is beautiful, you still have to afford to live there. According to some sources, around 71% of people in Arkansas who leave are looking for work. Unemployment is high, and it makes it hard for many in the state to cover everything they need.

47. West Virginia

West Virginia has long been known for its natural beauty. However, the state also suffers from high unemployment rates that drive young people living there to move.

Reddit // u/outdoor191

John Deskins, the director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at West Virginia University, offers some insight into part of the issue. He says, “Population growth is part of making the state attractive to potential businesses. A business has to be confident it’s going to find workers it needs before it locates in an area.”

46. Iowa

Oh, Iowa. This state is beautiful and rural but, then again, it seems like beautiful landscapes aren’t enough to keep people in the state. United Van Lines once reported that “68.22% are moving out of the states to find employment, while 12.4% are leaving for retirement.”

Reddit // u/whiteclaw30

On the other hand, personal anecdotes from Reddit site the weather, infrastructure, and the opinion that “Iowa’s a boring state to live in.” With all that in mind, it’s easy to see how the beautiful, rolling fields might wear on you after a while.

45. Oklahoma

There was a 10-year stretch where Oklahoma seemed to be on the rise in popularity. However, in the past handful of years, the tides have turned.

Reddit // u/johnny10vt

Chad Wilkerson, who served as the Vice President of the Oklahoma City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, once explained, “A driving force in recent out-migration from the state has been relatively fewer job opportunities than in some other parts of the country following the oil price drop of 2014-2015.”

44. Missouri

During the move to the west when the United States was expanding, Missouri earned the nickname the Gateway to the West. You can see this commemorated with the huge arch in the state. However, a lack of jobs available can make it harder to live in the state.

Reddit // u/PBR_Bluesman

According to Moneywise, “Jobs are the reason behind 63% of the moves” out of Missouri. The Bureau of Labor Statistics added, “Factories have been closing around Kansas City, causing that metro area to lose 1.9% of its manufacturing jobs over the past year.”

43. North Dakota

North Dakota is also known as The Peace Garden State. Still, it doesn’t seem that too many people are tempted by that peace, considering that it’s one of the least populated states!

Reddit // u/ScrotalAttraction

Despite the beautiful landscapes and spacious areas, United Van Lines said, “The most common reason to leave North Dakota — cited by nearly 61% of those who move out — is the lifestyle.” Some people online have done a little less research and summed it up to, “What’s interesting about North Dakota?”

42. Mississippi

Mississippi is a state with a lot of history behind it. It’s also a go-to spot for some tourists looking to enjoy Southern comfort food. It’s not as popular to live in, though.

Instagram // @thenatcheztrace

The Tradition once reported, “When we analyze population estimates by age, we see Mississippi is losing people at the age when they would be entering their prime earning years, while other states are gaining them.” In other words, younger generations are leaving as their careers grow.

41. Georgia

Georgia is in the South, and it’s a really popular tourist destination. Cities like Atlanta and even Savannah can bring tourists in to see what the state has to offer. Then again, as far as moving to Georgia, there are some drawbacks.

Reddit // u/BirbActivist

Namely, the costs associated with living there. According to Governing magazine, the cost of rent in Atlanta has risen a whopping 28% since the year 2000 and has likely only risen since then.

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