Monday, October 14, 2024

The Problem with Apocalyptic Thinking:

Is that it often leads to self destruction of not only you but sometimes your family as well.

I can look back at my own life in my early 20s for example and call how I thought as "Apocalyptic Thinking".

Why was I thinking this way?

Because I wasn't thinking far enough outside the box to consider that I could have a future different than I had planned that might work for me.

So, when I look around today I see people who either see the glass half full or the glass half empty.

If you see the glass half full then there is hope for you.

However, if you see the glass half empty often this seeing life in this way is the beginning of the end for you too both psychologically and physically.

When I listen to someone like Trump Speak I see this descent into the "Glass half empty" of how everything is terrible and awful and I see a sort of self destructive point of view about everything.

However, this is also how despots all over the world get a foothold in countries all over the world. If you study enough history or Hitler in specific, you see how thinking like Trump does now cost millions and millions of people their lives during World war II.

What causes this kind of thinking?

Traumas of one's youth that one might not be able to recover from. I could call it PTSD in the Case of Trump likely something so horrific happened to him as a child that he could not recover from.

This resulted in a Personality disorder which in Trump's case is called; "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" which is a type of personality disorder to where he cannot have empathy for anyone but himself.

What other Leader had this same disorder?

Adolf Hitler.

And you can see the damage Hitler did in the history books ever since.

Who could we compare Hitler to other than Trump?

Maybe Mao Tse Tung and Stalin and Mussolini?

There are many people who seem to have personality disorders that were leaders that got thousands to millions of people killed in often very horrific ways.

If you listen to Trump Speak now you see this same horrific revenge seeking rhetoric that Hitler and all these others used.

If Trump or people like Stalin or Mao Tse Tung or Mussolini come to power millions of innocent people tend to die along the way.

So, I would say that Trump is the candidate of the people who look at life as "The Glass Being Half Empty" Always.

And to think about life in this way is almost always self destructive and harmful to that person and all people around that person.

If you look at how many people who supported Trump along the way are either in Jail now or soon will be, you see the reward for supporting Trump often is imprisonment or Death for many people.

If you look at all the people trying to Assassinate Trump you are also seeing how crazy so many people see him as because all these many many people want to assassinate him just like people wanted to Assassinate Hitler, and Mao and Stalin and Mussolini. In fact, Mussolini was hung upside down to kill him along with his girlfriend near the end of World War II by the people of Italy.

When leaders go too negative to where the people around them die or are put in prison a lot like so many people who have supported Trump along the way bad things can happen.

The Fear of seeing life as a Glass Half Empty is a president like Trump that causes the death of millions of people.

Without Hope The People Perish.

Trump does not bring hope only Death.

So, with Trump the American People would Perish and likely human extinction wouldn't be far behind.

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