Thursday, March 6, 2008

If you own your home outright

If you own your home outright and your area isn't being decimated by foreclosures and if it is relatively safe where you live then I would say "hunker down" for the next five years. The reason for this is simple. If you have enough money to live and a house that is paid for then you and your family won't go homeless. the way this is shaping up ,up to 25% to 50% of the population could be homeless within 5 years. Owning your own home in a relatively safe area will mean you are a bastion for your family and friends so they don't starve or die during the next decade.

As we all watch the slow augering in of our economy caused directly by the inefficient use of our countries wealth in wars it is time for a great reckoning and reality check for all of us. whether this is a good thing or a bad thing will depend entirely upon us as American citizens. We likely will have to watch uncountable millions die from starvation worldwide caused by the greed of less than 5% of Americans and other greedy people around the world. However, this is something we will all have to learn to live with somehow.

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