Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Democratic Firing Squads forming in a circle

Democratic Firing Squads forming in a circle.Whose idea was it to run a woman and a black together? For that matter whose idea was it to do this when America is in one of the greatest crises since World War II? You can call it the perfect storm or you can call it insanity run amok. But whatever you call it the end result probably is that Obama can't win against McCain because independents have abandoned him because of Reverend Wright and his statements and Hillary might or might not be able to beat McCain but it is sure that neither of them will beat McCain if this democratic fight goes to the convention. It is now my belief that this will further fragment the party and take away whatever coalition chances it had to elect the next president. So whether you say the democrats have already shot themselves in the foot while the world watched or whether they formed a circular firing squad the damage has already been done.

Though many respect the principles that the democratic party is trying to protect there is a quote by Hermione Granger in one of the first Harry Potter movies that comes to mind where Hermione says something like,"We could be killed or worse we could get expelled." and Ron says, "She needs to get her priorities straight!"

This quote is tailor made for the democratic party now. The only sense I can make of the way they are acting is: "maybe the world is just too scary for them to even get their priorities straight in these times." If so,the world will be a much sadder place as a result.

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