Saturday, March 29, 2008

Meeting Jesus at age 27:fiction?

Meeting Jesus at age 27:fiction?

Arcane visits Jesus when he was 27

One day Arcane decided he wanted to visit Jesus. He had to ask his superiors in the Galactic Core. They said, "Please check possible ramifications after your visit. If they are not favorable please delete your visit." So Arcane set up time filters to gauge the impact of his visit with Jesus up to 5000 years after he visited him.

Arcane carefully designed his visit. First, he engramed ancient Aramaic into his mind so he could speak it. Of course his mouth muscles were used to more modern langauges so he would have an accent but he would be able to explain that. He chose a time before Jesus gathered his disciples. At this time Jesus was about 27 years old. Arcane chose this time specifically because this was the age when Arcane lost Arayin. He thought visiting Jesus at this age would tend to heal his inner wounding.

Jesus was walking down the road alone. Arcane walked up to Jesus and introduced himself. Jesus said, "I recognize your soul. It is in a very ancient form even though you are from the future." The hairs went up on Arcane's neck. He was definitely speaking to Jesus. Jesus went on, "You are the same soul as my father Joseph, Arcane. Please tell me what my father's soul has come to share with me from such a far away time." For one of the few times in his life Arcane was thunderstruck. He found it difficult to speak in the presence of Jesus." He finally said, "Jesus, I asked permission from my superiors in the future if I could visit you." Jesus said, "Yes. I see that." Arcane said, "If my visit through time causes any harmful future effects I will eliminate my visit with you." Jesus was quiet a moment and said, "I have spoken with my father in heaven. He has told me that your visit is auspicious as long as you let me ask the questions." Arcane said, "I am honored to be your servant, Jesus."

Jesus began his questions. "Arcane what is the result in your time of my life here?" Arcane said, "There are 1 billion Christians on earth 2000 years hence. Your teachings of brotherhood and hope have civilized the world. There are still other religions like Buddhism and another variation off of Judaism called Islam that starts in about 700 years." Jesus answered, "Yes. I know the soul of Mohammed." Arcane couldn't help but be surprised." Jesus then said, "Did you know that I learned kindness and compassion from the Buddhists in India?" Arcane said, "I had wondered about that." Jesus said, "When I was a boy I apprenticed to a camel train that led me to India. I stayed for a while in the prosperous town of Nalanda and met with Buddhist Teachers there. They introduced me to a Mahasiddha who told me my future and that I must die on a cross to lift mankind. I said it was a small price to pay for what would come as a result. He taught me how to raise my body from the dead. Arcane, I studied with teachers of various religions during my travels. What becomes Christianity is actually a new form of Judaism just like Buddhism is an outgrowth of Bramanism." Even though Arcane knew most of this he felt stunned like a child when confronted with new awarenesses. Arcane said, "Do I have permission to ask you a question?" Jesus looked into Arcane deeply and said, "Yes, my brother. Though you travel time you do similar work that I do. We are compatriots lifting the souls of the human race and all life on earth." Arcane said, "I am honored by what you say,your Holiness, Jesus." Jesus then said, "Don't call me Your Holiness yet. I'm still in training. Just call me Jesus." Arcane felt like a little child next to Jesus. He said, "Okay, Jesus." Then Jesus said, "Now is a good time to ask your question." Arcane pulled himself together and said to Jesus, "Everywhere I have traveled through time there have been religious wars. Why is that?" Arcane felt like a child asking this question.

Jesus smiled and said, "Relax Arcane. I know you are a World Saver in your time and I am a World Savior in my own. Is there really that much difference in the good works we do?" Arcane said, "That is the greatest compliment I have ever been given." Jesus said, "It is not a compliment, Arcane. I'm simply stating a fact. We are brothers. We have known each other for millions of years."

When Jesus said this to Arcane he found himself fainting. Jesus caught his body before it hit the ground. When Arcane awoke his head was in Jesus' lap. Jesus then said, "Arcane, once again you are one of my disciples, my students. In other lifetimes I have been your student. Sometimes, we even made it a point to teach each other lifetime after lifetime in order to keep the holy spirit alive on earth."

Arcane said, "I don't think my soul has experienced that yet, Jesus." Jesus said, "That really doesn't matter because both time and space are only an illusion as we both know by now." Arcane said, "Knowing that is true and actually experiencing it all the time I find to be very disorienting and leading to vertigo." Jesus said, "When one has reached our level of awareness mentally understanding it is all that is necessary unless we wish to be in another time or space, then a little vertigo is necessary while extreme focus is maintained mentally of visualizing exactly where and when we are going to."

Arcane sighed with the sigh of a child having found a friendly compassionate adult.

Arcane said, "Jesus. You have made me your student once again." Jesus said, "Isn't that why you came to see me?" Arcane said, "I thought it was something else that was troubling me but, Yes, you are right, I see now." Jesus then said, "It is now time to ask me your question." Arcane said, "Though I intellectually know the answer I need to hear it from you because it will heal me." Jesus said, "Yes. It will." "Jesus?" Arcane said, "Why are there relgious wars throughout time. My betrothed died of torture on my home planet which fully created me as World Saver, then everywhere I have been in times a religious war had arisen, was about to arise. Why must there always be people fighting and dying in the name of religion.

Jesus was quiet a moment and then said, "You only intellectually know part of the answer, Arcane. The rest of the answer is a question of balance. Religious wars tend to create balance. They tend to create equalization of resources throughout any civilized area in the universe. God is not limited to any one religion or even philosophy. God is all religions and beyond all religions and more than any one human mind could ever contain without dying in the process. So attempting to understand it all is good but actually understanding everything completely is not possible for any one human being while still in human form. Enlightenment is acheived when any human being accepts what is possible and what is not. Equipose is reached at that moment."

Arcane looked troubled, "What can I do with this information?" Jesus seemed compassionate. He said, "I have faced this conundrum too, Arcane. Now that you have heard this your heart will have peace." With this Jesus took his index finger and touched my heart. Smoke came out of my heart and then white light raditated from my heart. Jesus smiled and said, "Come and visit me after my resurrection, Brother." With this Jesus walked away having done his holy work on my soul and the future of Earth and the Universe.

The Resurrection

Since Arcane knew he was a disciple of Jesus by Jesus' own words on his home planet he had learned obedience when dealing with spiritual teachers. Since Jesu just told him to visit Jesus after his Resurrection he was doing that right now. Arcane thought to himself as he whisked himself through both time and space to the location of Jesus' resurrection. Arcane stayed invisible there at the moment of resurrection waiting for the moment Jesus had predicted for their meeting.

As Arcane watched the Roman soldiers guard Jesus' tomb he noticed how spooked and uncomfortable they were. One Soldier said to the other, "This is bad. What if this guy really is a God as some people say? What is he going to do to us stupid mortals here?" Another soldier said, "You're right! How did we ever become unfortunate enough to pull this duty?" A officer, a Centurian said, "Pipe down you guys. I've heard Jesus speak and he would be the first to forgive our ignorance." Tears came to the guards eyes with this. They both knew in their heart of hearts that this man buried here likely was a God if their Centurian had heard him speak. For their Centurian was an honorable man and could be trusted to tell the truth.

Arcane was dumbfounded. This Centurian was Jonthan. Yes. He looked a little different but it was his soul! This was just too much for Arcane and he started to lose consciousness. Just about this time Arcangel Gabriel appeared and the common soldiers ran away. The Centurian in typical Jonathan fashion stayed on bended knee with head bowed realizing what was happening. Yes! This is Jonathan, his soul present at the Resurrection! This was why Jesus wanted Arcane here. At least this is one of the reasons.

Arcangel Gabriel walked up to the Centurian(Jonathan's soul) and said, "Centurian! Be not afraid. You and your soldiers have nothing to fear. Your future is bright! For you are one of us.

At this point the Centurian fainted and collapsed in a pile unconscious from the power of the touch of the Arcangel Gabriel.

Next, Arcangel Gabriel stood with his accompanying angels in front of the tomb and lightning shot from his outstretched hand at the tomb. The large stone cover blew away from its perch. The tomb was open! In a few moments the stirrings inside were evident. Two of Arcangel Gabriel's healing angels stood over Jesus' body ministering to Jesus' needs. As Jesus emerged from the tomb the wounds on his hands and feet were still visible but they glowed an unearthly color. One knew one was witnessing something beyond the belief of most earthly beings.

Arcane was transfixed. He knew he would never be the same again after this experience. The words, "Born Again" had new meaning for him in this moment.

Finally, with Arcangel Gabriel and his angels guarding the area Jesus walked right up to Arcane. Jesus said, "It is time Arcane. Make youself visible!" Arcane did as he was asked.

Jesus embraced Arcane. Arcane wondered if he could stay conscious this time. As if in answer to Arcane's mental question Jesus said, "You will stay conscious this time, Arcane. I am preparing you to enter the time pool with His Oneness, The ancient Lemurian Christ before me. Today I become the new Christ in earnest. Today a new and Resurrected Order of the Ages begins and today you must Resurrect in the Time Pool and merge with His Oneness so he may start Shambala over Earth. Today I become the new Christ on Earth and He becomes a Protector of Earth until Jonathan becomes Eridian in the far far future."

God has everything in Perfect Divine Order. As I become through Resurrection the Christ on Earth, You and His Oneness become the King of Shambala!"

Arcane thought, "This is the end of Arcane!" To this Jesus said, "Arcane! This is not the end this is only the beginning for both of us. We are eternal brothers. We are both Sons of God!" With this the fire in Jesus' eyes burned Arcane to the point that his soul screamed in shock! When Arcane woke up Jesus was gone and Arcane was invisible again but this time he was 40,000 years before in the Capital city of Lemuria in what would be in the far far future California.

Arcane woke up knowing where he was and what he was there to do. He looked into the mirror and where his eyes should have been were two globes of fire. Jesus had filled Arcane's brain and body with the fire of the Holy Spirit of God. Arcane thought that the last day he had actually been the Arcane he knew was the day before he met his teacher and master, Jesus. Obedience had been the lesson he took from studying with masters in his childhood. Now, Obedience to God and Jesus would lead him to give up Arcane completely and merge into His Oneness. The Christness of His Oneness and the wisdom and experience of Arcane would protect Earth from all threats from all dimensions for 1,000,000 years or more if need be. After all, he remembered earth 1,000,000 years into the future and saw his touch, Jesus' touch, His Oneness' touch on everything! His destiny had been beyond anything he could have imagined. Gratitude to God filled His Soul!

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