Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wonder, Awe and Overwhelm

Wonder, Awe and Overwhelm. As I came out of my dream state into the first stages of waking(the time it is most easy to talk to God when you wake up without an alarm clock),I realized that the natural state of consciousness for all beings on earth is wonder, awe and overwhelm, not fear, terror, horror and depression. Fear, terror, horror and depression are only present when things are out of balance.

When I was young I always chose whenever possible to be alone in pristine nature. Since my father taught me how to never get lost in the woods I was allowed from age 5 to wander wherever I wanted to during the day. To some degree, at least when my son was four and we lived in the mountains I taught my son the same thing so he could experience pristine nature too. In pristine nature, one experiences naturally, wonder awe and overwhelm. Then when one comes back to (civilization) one realizes completely that civilization is a completely unnatural and basically unreal place that most humans live in most of the time. Civilization moves people to fear, horror and depression so then people feel they need to use all sorts of artificial chemical substances to feel safe and secure which only further physiologically makes them so completely out of balance that some of them end their lives by accident from legal multidrug overdoses like Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith. When all they are really searching for is the natural state, wonder awe and overwhelm which we all had before civilization and that some of us who spend time in the wilderness still experience today without any artificial chemicals legal or otherwise.

So, if you are someone who can be in the wilderness and feel safe and live in a constant state of wonder, awe and overwhelm then I recommend you spend as much time as possible in the wilderness to heal your body, mind and soul because what is coming for most civilizations on earth doesn't look to be very pretty and wilderness may be the only real place of wonder, awe and overwhelm left on earth.

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