Thursday, March 6, 2008

His Oneness

His Oneness. When I was born my parents considered Saint Germain to be their teacher along with Jesus. They told me that Saint Germain had been incarnated as Joseph and had been Jesus' father. So that as adepts Jesus and Saint Germain were brothers, Jesus the older brother and Saint Germain the Younger brother in the world of perfect adepts and Avatars.This is what I was told since I was born

His Oneness is an attempt by me to make sense of my experiences in this lifetime and many others. His Oneness is the Lemurian King of thousands of years ago. To me, there is a direct relation to my experiences with the Burning Bush on Mt. shasta in August 1970 with His Oneness, who to me is the present King of Shamballa. Shamballa or Shambala, is the interdementional civilization spoken about in Tibetan Buddhist teachings, especially the Kalachakra Initiation I received from the Dalai Lama along with 500,000 other people in Bodhgaya, India around Christmastime 1985. So His Oneness, is a way for me to integrate my experiences not only of this lifetime but of countless others into something that makes much more sense to me. So, for me, His Oneness' life is one actual life description by the King of Shamballa tranfered through me for you and I. Everyone's experience is totally unique to that person. So I am not trying to say anyone on any path believes as I do in regard to this. However, I can say unequivocally, this is my personal experience of His Oneness, the King of Shamballa, beginning with him manifesting to me as the burning bush on Mt. shasta in august 1970. Since many consider His Oneness, The Great Divine Director, The Lord Maha Chohan to all be the same person, let me personally add the King of shamballa for over 40,000 years now. If you are interested in what I have written please read "Memories" and/or the "History of His Oneness" which is free online at:

By the way, in my experience His Oneness(The King of Shamballa) owns the timelines of Earth from about 38,000 BC until several million years into the future and is the recognized present day ruler of earth by our galaxy even though he lives in a parallel dimension in which human beings don't age.

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